Between Walls, a new Mexican romantic comedy-drama series, is set for its premiere in the US and international territories. Check out the trailer.

It can be tough enough to find a partner in our modern times, but to find that special someone plus professional fulfillment and friendship can be downright demanding in multiple ways. Such is the context for Between Walls, a new ten-episode, half-hour series that demonstrates the difficulty — as well as the fun — of this by following two individuals.
One is Marga (Aislinn Derbez, The House of Flowers), who’s embarking on a whole new stage in her life with her move to a quaint building in Mexico City and the launch of her own event planning business. The other is Martín (Christian Vázquez, Zorro), the editor of the most popular soap opera, who’s moving, too.
Marga and Martín meet through a dating app, and the attraction is immediate and mutual. It seems like the start of a beautiful relationship. But, as they soon discover, there is a wall between them. Literally. It turns out they are next-door neighbors in the same building. With Marga’s mantra being, “I would never go out with a neighbor,” their relationship ends before it even begins, and the two agree to be good friends. However, as the days go by, neither finds easy to hide their feelings behind the wall that keeps them apart.
Costars include Mariana Burelli (Paramedicos), Armando Hernández (Mama Cake), Ana Layevska (Yankee), Octavio Hinojosa (How to Survive Being Single), Thalí García (El Señor de los Cielos), Giuseppe Gamba (The Accident), Norma Angélica (Every Minute Counts), and Sebastián García (Pedro Páramo), with special appearances by Angélica Aragón (A Walk in the Clouds), Martha Claudia Moreno (The Most Beautiful Flower), Daniel Tovar (The House of Flowers), and Ofelia Medina (Frida).
Between Walls, a Hulu Original, premieres in the US with four episodes on Wednesday, February 12, exclusively on Hulu. The series launches globally on the same date as a Disney+ Original exclusively on Disney+.
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