Hey there! Welcome to The Global TV Place — my fourth television website after The British TV Place (launched in 2012), The Euro TV Place (2014), and The Down Under TV Place (2017). Here is where I blog about shows and topics that don’t fit neatly under those verticals, because there are so many series, TV movies, and specials from countries/continents/territories other than the UK, Canada, Ireland, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand that are worth sharing about.

Like those websites, The Global TV Place features articles about titles produced outside the US; but unlike them, this site will also include pieces about American-made shows — of which there are many good, very good, and excellent ones. (There’s dreck, too, as with everywhere else, so I’ll skip those.)

So thanks for visiting. I hope you stay a while, read about some cool shows, add them to your to-watch list, and then watch them!

Linda Jew
Founder, The Global TV Place